Guidance and Testing Services Office
Einstein School for Kids – Cebu aims not only to provide quality education through a relevant curriculum and transformative programs and activities, but ESKC also ensures the well-being of the intellectual and emotional states of its students. Thus, the school provides them with responsive academic support services such as Guidance and Counseling Services.
To be a responsive and transformative service-oriented office committed to the holistic development of a young scientist with a heart.
Aims to provide a culture-sensitive and value-laden guidance program through personal-social, academic and career services for the holistic development and well-being of a young scientist.

- Provides relevant guidance and counseling programs.
- Delivers evidence-based developmental programs.
- Ensures and supports the academic mission of Einstein School for Kids – Cebu.
GTSO offers the following direct and indirect services:
Direct Services
Individual Inventory
This service systematically collects, evaluates, and interprets data and identifies the characteristics and potential of every student. All information gathered about each student is stored in the cumulative folder where data accumulated for each student is kept and treated with utmost confidentiality.
This consists of gathering and spreading of information about the different guidance activities, vocational opportunities and educational information for better adjustment and personal growth. There are three major types of information that can be disseminated to students.
- a) Personal -Social. This has to do with how one can improve oneself or how one can improve one’s relationship with others. This could be in a form of group guidance, workshops, films, lectures, seminars and panel discussions.
- b) Academic– Career. This information concerns the educational setting that one is in or might consider. This could be done through brochures, bulletins, websites, orientations, career guidance, and campaigns. Additionally, this covers career information and opportunities in line with the K to 12 perspective. This may take in the form of group guidance, career weeks and orientation days, posters, seminars, symposia, brochures, bulletins, books and films.
- c) Assessment and Appraisal
This service consists of the administration, analysis, and interpretation of standardized psychological tests or questionnaires to gather adequate and reliable data about the student’s intellectual capacities, potentials, interests, personality and aptitudes.
Counseling is a one-to-one helping relationship that focuses on a person’s growth and adjustment and problem solving and decision-making needs (Gibson & Mitchell, 2008). It is the counseling service that integrates all the data gathered about the individual and his/her environment, for them to make sense of it all.
- a) Personal-Social – This type of counseling can be extended to anyone at any age and usually focuses on the interpersonal and intrapersonal growth of a person. It can be preventive, developmental, or remedial.
- b) Academic-Career – This focuses mainly on school or academic concerns: school selection, school entry, school adjustment, and school maintenance. This also focuses on college or future plans, which may involve shifting to another course or another strand or track for the senior high school. Additionally, it involves assisting the student in choosing and selecting strand & track for the junior high school and college programs for the senior high school when they completed high school level.
Indirect Services
One of the major roles of a counselor is that of a Consultant. Being the expert on how to respond to needs and behaviors, he/she may be sought by parents, teachers, administrators, or spouses, for guidelines on how to deal with a person or situation. It is a process for helping a client through a third party or helping a system to improve its services to its clientele.
Prevention and Wellness
This service consists of activities and initiatives to keep something from happening or arising; thus, it promotes lifestyle changes for healthy living. It covers seminars such as coping skills, basic life skills, crisis event, stress management, recreational, and leisure activities and mental health.
Follow-up & Referral
This service aims to provide continuing services for students and reaching needed expert assistance that the referring counselor cannot provide, this is vital in the counseling process and services. It helps determine the status of the student who received assistance and what other assistance must be rendered so that the service is complete and holistic.
Ensuring that the students finds right place that contributes to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. It covers the areas such as personal-social, academic and career placement.
Research & Evaluation
It is a service-oriented activity that aims to discover new knowledge and advance current knowledge that is necessary for personal and professional growth. This also involves collecting relevant information that determines whether the program goals are met. It is vital as a basis for modification of the delivery of the different services and justifies the existence of the Guidance Programs.